About us

Czech Academy of Financial Planning

What is CAFP?

The Czech Academy of Financial Planning (ČAFP) is a joint project of the Czech Association of Financial Advisory and Mediation Companies (ČASF) and the University of Finance and Administration (VŠFS). It is a combination of the most important Czech association of financial planning professionals and the largest Czech private university focused on finance and financial market issues. CAFP's mission is to provide cutting-edge educational programs and certifications to all financial market professionals who focus on financial planning and are able to meet the demanding entry requirements.

The Academy is headed by a Steering Committee composed of the following members

Marek Černoch

Chair of the CAFP Steering Committee

Ing. Vladislav Herout, MFP.

Member of CAFP Steering Committee

Doc. RNDr. Petr Budinský, CSc.

Member of CAFP Steering Committee

Mgr. Lukáš Škopek

Member of CAFP Steering Committee

Mgr. Martina Linhartová

Member of CAFP Steering Committee

Andrea Jiráková

Member of CAFP Steering Committee


Česká akademie finančního plánování je společný projekt České asociace společností finančního poradenství a zprostředkování a Vysoké školy finanční a správní. Jedná se tak o spojení nejvýznamnějšího českého sdružení profesionálů ve finančním plánování.

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The Master of Financial Planning (MFP) is the flagship of the ČAFP offer. This is a challenging, highly practical certification program for professionals from among independent financial advisors, insurance agents and bank advisors.

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Dokumenty ČAFP a programu MFP.
Zjednodušený sylabus programu Master of Financial Planning. Detailní sylabus programu Master of Financial Planning. Složení lektorského týmu programu Master of Financial Planning a další.

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